Effortless Bedding

Featuring The Effortless® Patented Semi-Fitted Top Sheet and Patented Semi-Fitted Bed Blanket

Keeps Sheets From Popping Off! Stretch & Tuck The Effortless Way!

The Stretch Elastic Patented Design, Engineered in our Bedding Helps the Sheets & the Bed Blankets Stay in Position. Stretch & Tuck Makes Making the Bed As Easy As 1-2-3!

Designed for Adjustable Bed Mattresses, Most Mattresses with Deep Pockets, Standard Size Mattresses & RV Bed Mattresses! Standard Sizes or Oversized, We've Got You Covered! 

Free Priority Shipping And Free Returns On All Purchases Within The USA

Stretch & Tuck 

Making The Bed As Easy As 1-2-3!

All Effortless® Bedding Semi-Fitted Top Sheets, Fitted Bottom Sheets &  Semi-Fitted Bed Blankets Feature Contoured Elasticized Ends, That Securely Hug The Corners Of The Mattress, Making It Super Easy To Make The Bed & To Keep The Sheets From Popping Off!

 Designed For Adjustable Bed Mattresses, Most Mattresses With Deep Pockets, Standard Size Mattresses & RV Bed Mattresses!

Standard Sizes Or Oversized, We've Got You Covered!